Top 9 Things to do in Mbour, Senegal

July 29, 2017 Venice Greaves

M'Bour or Mbour is a city in the Thiès Region of Senegal. It lies on the Petite Côte, approximately eighty kilometers south of Dakar. It is home to a population of nearly 233,000 (2013 census).
Restaurants in Mbour

1. Happy Excursions Senegal

Grand M'bour, Mbour 23000, Senegal
Overall Ratings

5 based on 178 reviews

Happy Excursions Senegal

Happy excursions Senegal vous souhaite la bienvenue et voudrais s'adresser à tout ceux ou celles qui voudrais passer de bonne vacances en couple , en famille , seul ou entre amis , afin de découvrir le Senegal à la carte à un prix très correct avec le confort adaptés à vos excursions le tout dans une ambiance agréable et plein d’émotions et surtout échapper aux excursions de masses proposées par l’hôtel et bénéficier plutôt des compétences d'un guide local l'efficacité de groupe réduit en petite comité .Happy excursions Senegal est la meilleur adresse , au plaisir de vous faire découvrir notre beau pays .

Reviewed By catphil - Corbie

Nous avons fais 2 excursions avec l'equipe d'Emile Diom . Les guides slnt des locaux, proche du Senegal que l'on visite ,
Merci a babacar et a emile pour leur confiances' leurs bonne humeur et leurs implication .
Ici , pas de piege a touristes, ils ne nous arrete pas dans des pseudos attraction touristique . Ceque l'on decouvre cest proche des gens
On conseille a 100% , ils sont tres reactifs , les tarifs sont tres compétitifs

2. Senegal Excursions

Mbour, Senegal
Overall Ratings

5 based on 210 reviews

Senegal Excursions

Reviewed By jezaal - Reading, United Kingdom

We left the Gambia via the ferry from Banjul to Barra on the other side of the river Gambia then over the border to Senegal. We drove to the animal park. We had to put a lot of insect repellent on as the park has some nasty mossies. It was nice to see animals in a natural environment with no preditors. It took ages to find the giraffes. Coming back to the Gambia on a smaller ferry really showed us the real Gambiam people. It was a good day out.

3. Yerim Guide Tours

Mbour 13600, Senegal
Overall Ratings

5 based on 24 reviews

Yerim Guide Tours

BIENVENUE DANS LA TERANGA AVEC SA BEAUTE -Le Senegal est un pays magnifique ou il y a une foule de choses a decouvrir,aussi bien au niveau naturel qu'au niveau culturel.J'ai appris a connaitre par cœur ce pays qui est le mien mais j'ai egalement appris que j'aimais le faire decouvrir aux autres.Je vous propose de vous faire passer des vacances magiques par le biais d'excursions inoubliables.

Reviewed By Roberta P - London, United Kingdom

I went to Senegal for my first time for 2 weeks and I traveled with Yerim around almost all country visiting all the main town, parks, villages & Beaches. I was feeling at home, whenever with him, I got a big hospitality,from hotels, auberge, restaurants, friends & family. It's very polite, organised and flexible, I'll really reccomend him as a tour operator.

4. Diegane Diouf Senegal Guide

De Laconde, Mbour 23100, Senegal
Overall Ratings

4.5 based on 41 reviews

Diegane Diouf Senegal Guide

Reviewed By Collette12 - Longueuil, Canada

Si efficacité, sérieux, ponctualité , souci du bien-être du client jumelés à humeur égale avaient un synonyme on pourrait simplement utiliser le nom de Diegane. Pour un séjour en toute sécurité au Sénégal informations pertinentes comprises vous pouvez encore identifier Diegane Diouf. Bref Diegane et le Sénégal deux noms a ne pas dissocier ... le succès de votre séjour découverte est assuré.

5. Senegal Loisirs Private Day Tours

Centre Ville, Mbour 23002, Senegal
Overall Ratings

4.5 based on 23 reviews

Senegal Loisirs Private Day Tours

t's a question of building it! With Senegal private day tours, a tailor-made trip is a fully personalized trip, built according to your ideas and desires. With a tailor-made experience and a great mastery of destinations, our specialists are at your disposal to make a unique and memorable trip to Senegal and the sub-region, yours! We offer you all the TRADITIONAL EXCURSIONS (some times exceptionally!), All the typical sights of Senegal. I can also organize INCREDIBLE DAYS so rich in colorful images, intense emotions, unexpected encounters ... Days of those we do not forget!

Reviewed By Fries_with_Ketchup - Union, New Jersey

Went on 3 different tours with this awesome company during a weeklong trip to Saly Senegal.
1st excursion was a half day ATV trip all over Mbour with our awesome guide Babacar. Great time on that trip. He is very safe and ensured we enjoyed our tour. He speaks excellent English too.
2nd excursion was a full day trip with Amadou. We went from Saly to Dakar. We visited the Renaissance monument and Goree Island. Again, excellent guide, informative and very professional. He speaks excellent English too.
3rd excursion was a half day trip to a remote nomad village in Mbour. Once again we had Babacar as our guide. He was excellent. We brought the villagers some food we bought at the local supermarket in Saly prior to the trip. We also visited a local elementary school and brought snacks, School supplies and toys for the kids.
Great tour company! Definitely the best one in town! Julie the owner was always prompt responding to my emails. Pape was also very good with organizing our tours for the week.

6. Senegal Discovery

Mbour 13600, Senegal
Overall Ratings

5 based on 9 reviews

Senegal Discovery

Reviewed By Isathep - Brest, France

Nous avons effectué avec notre fils de 20 ans un voyage d’une semaine au Sénégal fin février 2018. Nous avons partagé notre semaine en une partie farniente de 3 jours dans le Siné Saloum, et une partie itinérante les 5 premiers jours. J’ai pris contact avec Diokel car nous souhaitions voir plusieurs sites dans le confort sans perdre de temps sur un séjour si court avec les déplacements, les réservations d’hôtels, la recherche des points d’intérêt etc …
Je lui ai fais part de nos souhaits en lui laissant carte blanche pour enrichir le parcours. Après quelques échanges, le planning était prêt dans un budget raisonnable. Diokel s’est montré un guide sérieux, compétent, toujours de bonne humeur, et d’excellente compagnie. Le planning a été respecté et quelques surprises nous attendaient souvent en détour du chemin. On ne s’est pas ennuyé pas pendant les trajets en voiture car Diokel nous faisait part d’anecdotes sur les lieux traversés.
Il est certain que l’on a vu des choses que l’on n’aurait jamais connues sans Diokel. Sa présence nous a permis également d’avoir une meilleure intégration avec les habitants.
En résumé, Diokel est un guide jeune et dynamique, très chaleureux, avec une très bonne connaissance du Sénégal. Vous pouvez voyager avec lui les yeux fermés pour votre plus grand bonheur dans la découverte touristique du Sénégal en oubliant les contraintes logistiques. Nous étions très émus de nous quitter avec ces 5 jours extraordinaires de visite du pays.

7. LambaTrips - Day Tours

Saly Velengara, Mbour 15, Senegal
Overall Ratings

4.5 based on 8 reviews

LambaTrips - Day Tours

We offer 1-day tours in Senegal. We will pick you up at your hotel or camp and take you back after completing the tour (approximately from 8 am to 7 pm). With LambaTrips, you don't have to worry about anything. We have a long experience in organising big trips and short outings for tourists. We always work with local guides in english, french or spanish. We also organise african percussion and dance courses. You can take classes one or several days with local teachers. During the whole year you can take individual or group courses. If you feel like playing an instrument you can take djembe, sabar, kora and balafon lessons. The dancers can learn djembe dance or sabar dance. And the bravest can combine both! Check our website for more information. Our most popular 1-day tours from Saly or Mbour: DAKAR AND THE GOREE ISLAND Visit the historical Goree Island, and the busy capital of the country. (full day) SINE SALOUM DELTA Visit a Serer village and a rural market on the way to the bird sanctuary of Sine Saloum. (full day) M'BOUR MARKET Guided visit to the busy fish market, the third biggest market in the country. (half day) SOMONE LAGOON A day at the beach and boat ride along the fantastic Somone Lagoon. You will be able to watch an amazing variety of migratory birds. (half day) BANDIA NATURAL RESERVE A short but intense safari in a 4 wheel-drive car, which lovers of nature will experience with real passion. (half day) JOAL FADIOUTH Visit the picturesque Joal and Fadiouth, also known as the shells’ island. (full day)

Reviewed By Lluc D - Barcelona, Spain

Last summer I was in Saly with a couple of friends. We did some activities with Lamba tours and I always felt really safe and everything was well organized. Senegal is an amazing country with even better people, and I think is one of the best countries to meet Africa. Saly is paradisiac location where you can do sightseeing, meet people, eat good food and enjoy day trips to amazing places. Africa changes the way you see things! Thanks Marc and Guillem for the organization!

8. Grande Mosquee Gandigal-Est

Mbour-Sud, Mbour, Senegal
Overall Ratings

5 based on 1 reviews

Grande Mosquee Gandigal-Est

Reviewed By spanspan - Kaizuka, Japan


9. Village Artisanal de Saly

Mbour, Senegal
Overall Ratings

3 based on 208 reviews

Village Artisanal de Saly

Reviewed By Alastair J - Ngaparou, Senegal

This is a good-sized crafts market in central Saly by the main roundabout with quite an array of attractive, hand-made arts and crafts stuff and African clothing.
The vendors are particularly persistent and tenacious with tourists so it is not to be recommended to new boys/girls to West Africa. You will be (verbally) accosted whether you're interested or not at every single stall you walk past, so get yourself mentally prepared before setting foot in the market.
1.) Ideally visit with a Wolof/French-speaking Senegalese friend - if you have one.
2.) Ensure you have a good stock of low denomination CFA Franc bank-notes with you.
3.) Be patient, friendly and smile but above all be firm on what you're prepared to pay.
4.) Be prepared to take your time and haggle ruthlessly. Offer no more than a 1/4 or 1/3rd of the vendors' first asking price and don't budge from your initial price offering until the very end of negotiations (when you may increase your offer by, say, about 1'000F or 2'000F - according to the value to you of the item). You will always be able buy something at less than 40%-50% of the vendors' initial asking price.
5.) Never hesitate just walking away from a stall - if the vendor isn't approaching offering you a price you'd be willing to pay for an item.
Good luck with your visit...

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