6 Things to Do in Novi Pazar That You Shouldn't Miss

August 24, 2017 Leida Jutras

Novi Pazar (Serbian Cyrillic: Нови Пазар, lit. "New Bazaar" pronounced [nôʋiː pǎzaːr]) is a city located in the Raška District of southwestern Serbia. As of the 2011 census, the urban area has 66,527 inhabitants, while the city administrative area has 100,410 inhabitants.
Restaurants in Novi Pazar

1. Stari Ras and Sopocani

Novi Pazar, Serbia
Overall Ratings

4.5 based on 39 reviews

Stari Ras and Sopocani

Reviewed By Mavro1979 - Novi Pazar, Serbia

Monastery complex is 15 km away from Novi Pazar. It is under UNESCO's protection as a world heritage site. It is an endowment of King Stefan Uroš I of Serbia. Monastery was build by the Italian craftsmen. Near the monastery is the source of river Raška. Same source is used as a water source for Novi Pazar. Monastery is alive and monks live and pray in it. The monks also have their economy nearby. During the daytime they are willing to open the monastery for the visitors anytime you come except when there is a service. You don't have to pay the entrance but there is a place for money donations. Place is very tranquil. They have walls around the monastery, gift shop, drinking Fountain and spacious parking lot. Living quarters of the monks are outside the monastery courtyard.

2. Church of St. Apostles Peter and Paul

Hill of Ras, Novi Pazar, Serbia
Overall Ratings

4.5 based on 20 reviews

Church of St. Apostles Peter and Paul

Reviewed By IgorMarkovic - Smederevo, Serbia

Church of St. Apostles Peter and Paul is situated on a hill above the city of Novi Pazar. It is the oldest example of ecclesiastic architecture in Serbia and has a great religious, architectural and cultural value. Due to its overall importance it was included into the UNESCO list of world cultural heritage. And it really desreves to be there, since the church is breathtakingly beautiful and has a lot to offer to tourists. Apart from being a religious object, it is also partly a museum, which has many artefacts which date centuries ago. The graveyard in front of the Church itself may be very interesting to some, because of its unusual and pretty interesting graves. One important thing, if the church isn't open, don't worry, and just go to the nearby house, and ask for the Church to be opened, it won't be a problem at all, the people there are very kind. All in all, don't miss this beauty!

3. Djurdjevi Stupovi Monastery

Novi Pazar, Novi Pazar, Serbia
Overall Ratings

4.5 based on 19 reviews

Djurdjevi Stupovi Monastery

Reviewed By ELear - Ancona, Italy

There was restoration work in progress when I was there, but it was still possible to see the frescoes inside the main entrance (esp. above the lintel), which have decayed over the centuries but are still extraordinary.
It was only in Novi Pazar that I learned of the importance of the monastery to early Serbian royal history. (It was originally a royal foundation, and a king is buried there.) If I had read something about this before, I would have understood many of the frescoes better.
It's four or five kilometres outside Novi Pazar. A visit can easily be combined with visits to Sopocani and to Petrova Crkva (the Church of St Peter), which is said to be the oldest Slav church in the Balkans, and very beautiful.

4. Altun Alem Mosque

Jugovica, Novi Pazar, Serbia
Overall Ratings

4 based on 9 reviews

Altun Alem Mosque

Reviewed By IgorMarkovic - Smederevo, Serbia

Altun-alem džamija/mosque is one of the oldest examples of islamic architecture in Serbia. Apart from being remarkably beautiful, and had an important role in history of the region where it belongs, because it used to be a cultural and educational center for centuries. It's even more beautiful today than it used to be because it has been recently renovated, so that everyone could enjoy it's pure beauty. Also, don't miss to visit the nearby mekhteb - the islamic school - which is also very old and has an unusal architectural looks. If you're in Novi Pazar, don't miss this amazing mosque, because of it's unique architecture and amazing beauty!

5. Petrova crkva

Novi Pazar, Serbia
Overall Ratings

5 based on 1 reviews

Petrova crkva

Reviewed By StellarNavigator - Belgrade, Serbia

Ако тражите фреске и монументалност, не очекујте пуно. Али ако желите да видите најстарију стојећу цркву у нашој земљи која је вековима (до проглашења самосталне СПЦ 1217) била најважнија богомоља средњовековне Србије, онда свакако свратите до ње, на уласку у Пазар из правца Краљева. Треба вам око 10 минута од скретања. Ма ни толико.
Ту је Немања миропомазан, ту је одржавао државне саборе, ту је власт препустио Стефану, а можда су се и ту измирили Стефан и Вукан у ствари. Ко зна. А море бити и да је Драгутин Милутину власт покрај ње званично предао.
Фресака је мало, ипак је храм стар бар 1000 година, али је осећај да си у објекту који је ту дуже него било који други незаменљив. Због тога ова неправилна ротонда за мене више значи од околних Ступова и Сопоћана.
У њој се налази и баптистеријум, какав се вековима не користи у црквама, али је ту таман колико да дојмиш почетке религије која нашу историју толико дефинише.
Да уђете у цркву, покуцајте на врата куће уз храм. Погодило се да су на дан кад сам ја ишао имали заказано крштење, па је једна пријатна госпођица (можда кустос) била ту да нам открије све што нас је занимало о прошлости цркве.
Занимљиво је да са слика сви знамо надгробне споменике у њеној порти. Због специфичног облика, вазда сам мислио да су и они древни, но кад им приђеш и ишчиташ мало, схватиш да су из средине 19. столећа.
У околини се налази село Мишчићи за које део научника сматра да је родно место Растка Немањића, светог Саве.

6. Bio Spa Centar

Slovacka 26, Novi Pazar 21000, Serbia +381 21 571282
Bio Spa Centar

Fish Pedicure,classic Pedicure And Manicure, Snail Massage, Relax Massage, Sauna, Foot Massage

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